It seems like just another birthday -
until Amanda wakes up the next day
and she discovers she is living her life over again.
Favorite Books
Pseudonymous Bosch (be careful - its a secret!) Third, Fourth and Fifth graders went on a Saturday Field trip to meet the author - thank you Mr. Leach and Wordstock. Click on the book below to find out more. Be careful, secrets are dangerous! .
Ann Cameron, author of The Stories Julian Tells (and Gloria and Huey) is back. This time, you will learn the real story from Julian's dog Spunky.
Can you guess what room in the house Spunky calls the White Pond Room?
Ann Cameron will be talking with several 2nd-4th grade classes and will be at our book fair on Dec. 8th.
Ann Cameron books click on books
Ann Cameron will be talking with several 2nd-4th grade classes and will be at our book fair on Dec. 8th.
Ann Cameron books click on books
Ann Cameron and Guatemala click on answers